Saturday, September 11, 2010

Let us openly share our thought in open & distance learning

Sharing ideas on practice and observations on ODL

One can look at the things from one point of view, or many points of view or socially desirable credible points of view; the choice is always with us.

We share ideas / concepts based on our reading and reflections on our practices. The first category is ,’the celebrities’, who have acknowledged their excellence by thinking and reflecting on the issues of open and distance education on practice, on serious observation on practices. They are the broadly classified as original thinkers and writers, the second category, of a writer who contributes to the body of knowledge by practice (reflections), and the third category they watch professionally the dynamics and gives their own explanations. All these categories of people possess greater levels of commitment and acquire competencies in the discipline and its professional levels to contribute body of knowledge. It is well said in social sciences that they are three ways of attaining and acquiring knowledge, the first way, owning the entire gamut of resources, second way by participating and contributing the system and its process and the third way, is dispassionately, with un-selfish orientation to acquires the awareness about the process (i.e.. eager to now the (social) dynamics). In this way it is a small attempt to explain the basics of open and distance education.

In the spheres of open and distance education, it is one system but explained in different ways and view points. It is always possible to look at the things from one way or many ways and a desirable way. Hence we witness, the system of open and distance education is explained in different ways. Some are calling it mode(s), others are calling it is as method(s), and few calling it as a philosophy. With the intervention of IC T /E.learning, it is further redefined in many ways (i.e. open distance technology enables Learning or distance technology enabled learning). It is always desirable to explain a phenomenon in many ways but the only limit is that it should not make a psycho pansy to own point of view.

The above back ground makes the writer to define and adhere to some to the explanations without confusion. These ideas facilitate the forth coming open and distance educational institutions to design and develop their institutional framework to facilitate smooth accomplishment of its objectives.

Let us define & set the ball rolling…

To evolve any institutional strategy, it is always desirable to have clarity on the institutional design: for example we always say that the distance education is a mode, some say it is method, few other, it is both mode and method. Finally, open learning is understood and explained as philosophy. Let us deliberate on these issues in its definition.

Mode: According to dictionary:

Ø A way in which something occurs

Ø Is done (some how it is done)

Ø A Style includes ( nothing specific or based on learning principles)


The proponents of methods totally opposes mode, according to them mode is the crudest way of doing things which do not involves scientific principle of learning management.

Method for them involves:

Ø Better management planning and principles.

Ø Gives path way to plan of action based on scientific principle of management.

Ø Scope for innovation, experimentation and creativity and

Ø Evaluation of both promises and performances.


Ø It is a search for knowledge creation suited to social, economic and pedagogical needs of the


Ø It is a vision or a Darshan and a way and view of life

In the context of open learning:

The issues involved are flexibility ( it is an approach), Accessibility (it is an promise) and Equity ( longing for education for all). Flexibility, accessibility and equity are the hall mark of Open University or open learning. It is otherwise said “closed mind and open learning do not go together’ hence the people working for open & distance education do not hesitate borrow the knowledge (shamelessly) for seam less education. Seam less education is the begging and end of gamut of open and distance education

When planners and policy makers possess clarity on the above issues, it would facilitate clarity in action, otherwise, there is possibility to define one ones own way, it may leads to psycophancy. Let us think and deliberate on these issues to suit our purpose, context and fittest to the purpose.

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